Monday, 4 June 2012

Chocolate Crunch - a rehearsal reward

One of the first recipes that I tried from the Children's Choice collection was Chocolate Crunch. You might remember this as a dish served with pink custard as your school dinner pudding or just a snack at break time. 

In my spare time, when I'm not baking or enjoying the results, I'm part of a theatre company, hands on theatre. Sometimes rehearsals can be a tiring, physical experience as the video below shows – a scene from A Streetcar Named Desire – so a tasty chocolate treat always goes down well afterwards.

Chocolate Crunch recipe
130g margarine
130g caster sugar
250g self-raising flour
25g cocoa powder

1. Pre-heat oven to 160°C or gas mark 3
2. Place the margarine in a saucepan and melt over a low heat.
3. Mix in the rest of the ingredients to the melted margarine.
4. Grease a 8in sandwich tin and then press mixture into it firmly.
5. Bake for 20 minutes.
6. Remove from oven and sprinkle with sugar.
7. Allow to cool then cut into pieces. 

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